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A Man Of His Own Word

"A man of his word" is an idiom used to describe individuals who consistently keep their promises and can be relied upon with confidence. Shradha was faced with the prospect of joining a new college in an unfamiliar city, with little knowledge of her surroundings. Fortunately, her parents had a trustworthy friend who stepped forward as her guardian, vowing to take care of her during her time there. As the years went by, Shradha successfully completed her education in the city. When her parents reflect upon that period, they are filled with gratitude for the friend who proved to be a true man of his word. Their friend's unwavering support and commitment to his promise ensured that Shradha received the care and guidance she needed. Expressing their heartfelt appreciation, Shradha and her parents visited his house to personally thank him for his invaluable support and for being a person they could truly rely on.