Happy New year 2023
Let this New year bring more joy in our lives.
Every year we can expect new things to bloom in our lives. The work from home was a trend during the pandemic year because of the restrictions.
No one knows what a New year can bring into our lives. All we can do is sharpen our axe to cut the tree. Sharpen your skill. Determine to stay on top. Be convinced only to give your best to your work. Learn new courses. Improve yourself. Do everything that encourages you to grow in our career. Be bold and be ready to face challenges. Never give up on anything. Be a spark that creates fire. Be a drop that creates ocean. Do your best from your part in every work your hands find to do.
There is a saying which goes like this " Prepare your field to receive the rain". No effort goes in vain. Every effort that we put, in everyday of our life is valuable. Make every day count. Every minute counts. Plan your day. Plan your work. With planning more things can be accomplished in a day. Preparing our field will help us to receive rain gracefully when it comes. Take our own city for example. When we plan, keep it ready to face rain the city will be different during rainy days. Instead when we have no plans, the blessing itself will turn into someone else.
Work with passion. Be eager to learn new things. Go forward. All of us might have experienced times when people around us are pushing us towards achieving something. Even when no one cares, be your own supporter, Encourage yourself. Believe that all your efforts will be answered one day. The way of nature is that every seed you have planted should give birth to a plant. At times it might not rise to life. But it is sure not every seed is meant to die. Encourage yourself even if some of your effort went vain. Let that not stop you from planting. Invest in yourself. Work on yourself. Improve yourself. One day you will reap the joy of enjoying the fruit that was produced by your hard work. As there is no substitute for it.
Like it is said in the beginning. This New year is going to be full of surprises. Be it work from home, work from office. Be it anything. Shine through all of it. When you hit someone, who carries a cup of coffee. The coffee is going to spill. When life rubs you let it know that you carry your confidence, your joy, your hard work, your endurance and you can spill only that.
Have a new year which is filled with accomplishments.